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Envirotech has been providing high-quality competitive environmental services to a broad range of business and industry sectors including Energy, Finance and Real Estate, Construction and Development, Manufacturing, Mining and Government since 2001.  Our knowledge of industry specific policies and procedures, regulation, terminology and corporate goals enables us to provide specialized quality environmental services to numerous industry sectors.

Phase I ESA

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is an integral and necessary assessment service for the acquisition of bank financing, undertaking development, or collecting due diligence data prior to real estate acquisition and divestiture. Envirotech Engineering has extensive experience in conducting Phase I ESAs and is on the approved vendor list for many of the largest financial institutions in Canada.
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The standard scope of work for our typical Phase I ESAs includes:

  • Record Reviews to establish former owners, tenants or businesses that occupied the site as well as current and historical land use activities on the Property. This information allows us to understand what kinds of operations have occurred at the site in the past and to identify potential areas of contamination or environmental liability.
  • Site Inspections to evaluate site issues identified during the document review process and to identify and potential contaminant indicators and any other common indicators of environmental impairment.
  • Interviews to corroborate or augment information and data collected during the document review and site inspection process. Individuals with knowledge of the site are interviewed to determine if there are any current and historical land use practices at the site which may have resulting in contamination or environmental liability.

Phase I ESA reports are always compiled at the completion of each assessment detailing the findings, conclusion and recommendations of the project. Depending on the findings of our assessment, typical recommendations can include hazardous building assessments, Phase II ESAs or no action at all.

Our Phase I ESAs can be completed to meet the requirements of several standards:

  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z768-01 (R2012) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment;
  • The City of Calgary Terms of Reference for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (2016);
  • American Standard Testing Method (ASTM) E1527-05 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process;

Do you require a Phase I ESA? Please feel free to Contact our Site Assessment  Division for more information or a quote or download our Phase I ESA Info Sheet.

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Phase II & III ESA

If you suspect potential contamination on your property, or if you are undertaking a construction or development project requiring the off-site movement of soil, or if your Phase I ESA has indicated the presence of potential contamination, chances are that you will require a Phase II ESA. A Phase II ESA is an intrusive site assessment with the primary purpose of defining the presence or absence of contamination on a property.

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A Phase III ESA is the same as the Phase II ESA; however, the primary purpose of these assessments is the vertical and horizontal delineation of contaminants for the purpose of remediation or risk management planning. Envirotech has significant experience conducting Phase II and Phase III ESAs. Our Phase II and Phase III ESAs may include some, or all, of the following components:

  • Buried Utility Locates and Baseline Property Surveys;
  • Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety Programs;
  • Subcontracting Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
  • Installing Groundwater Monitoring Wells;
  • Collecting of Soil, Groundwater, Surface Water, Sediment and/or Vapour Samples;
  • Laboratory Analysis;
  • Post Assessment Surveying and Groundwater Monitoring;
  • Assessment Criteria Selection & Data Interpretation; and
  • Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Record of Site Condition Reporting.

Our Phase II and III ESAs are completed in accordance with industry accepted standards and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) document entitled CAN/CSA-Z769-00 (R2008) Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. Our sampling protocols adhere to the relevant sections of the AEP Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, the AEP Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, other provincial reference criteria, or where appropriate, the federal Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines.

An AEP Record of Site Condition report form and submission is required for all Phase II and III ESAs in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Disclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Do you require a Phase II or III ESA? Please feel free to Contact our Assessment Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Remediation & Risk Management Plans/Programs

If you are undertaking a construction or development project on a contaminated site, or if your Phase II ESA or Phase III ESA has defined the presence of contamination on your property, chances are that you will require a Remediation Plan or Risk Management Plan. These plans are integral to the cost-effective management of property contamination. They assist with development and construction planning, project scheduling and are necessary to appropriately estimate the costs of remediation and risk management on your property.

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Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals who have the appropriate technical background and project management experience to effectively provide clients with contaminated site remediation and risk management planning. We evaluate the source-pathway-receptor framework of your property (considering your development and construction goals) to develop site-specific remediation of risk management targets and goals which appropriately protect human health and environmental receptors. In many cases, these plans are dove-tailed with construction plans as a cost saving measure.

Envirotech offers four primary types of plans:

  • Remediation Plans – contaminant source elimination;
  • Risk Management Plans – pathway elimination between contamination and receptor;
  • Remediation & Risk Management Plans – combined source and pathway elimination: and
  • Remedial Action Plans – for sites with contamination that cannot be remediated within a two-year period after known release.

The combined remediation & risk management plans are commonly employed in property development and construction scenarios whereby it is not cost effective or practical to fully remove all contamination from the site. The following controls are typically considered in our plans:

  • Remediation Programs
  • Administrative Controls
  • Engineered Barriers
  • Pathway Elimination
  • Methane Management
  • Off-site Soil Disposal Management and Reuse
  • Guidelines Recalculation (with site specific data)
  • Site-Specific Risk Assessment
  • Tier 2 Guidelines Adjustment based on Site-specific Parameters

An Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Record of Site Condition report form and submission is required for all remediation and risk management plans in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Disclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Do you require a Remediation or Risk Management Plan? Please feel free to Contact our  Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Site-Specific Risk Assessment

If you are undertaking a construction or development project on a contaminated site, or if your Phase II ESA or Phase III ESA has defined the presence of contamination on your property, chances are that you will require a Remediation Plan or Risk Management Plan. These plans are integral to the cost-effective management of property contamination. They assist with development and construction planning, project scheduling and are necessary to appropriately estimate the costs of remediation and risk management on your property.

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Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals who have the appropriate technical background and project management experience to effectively provide clients with contaminated site remediation and risk management planning. We evaluate the source-pathway-receptor framework of your property (considering your development and construction goals) to develop site-specific remediation of risk management targets and goals which appropriately protect human health and environmental receptors. In many cases, these plans are dove-tailed with construction plans as a cost saving measure.

Envirotech offers four primary types of plans:

  • Remediation Plans – contaminant source elimination;
  • Risk Management Plans – pathway elimination between contamination and receptor;
  • Remediation & Risk Management Plans – combined source and pathway elimination: and
  • Remedial Action Plans – for sites with contamination that cannot be remediated within a two-year period after known release.

The combined remediation & risk management plans are commonly employed in property development and construction scenarios whereby it is not cost effective or practical to fully remove all contamination from the site. The following controls are typically considered in our plans:

  • Remediation Programs
  • Administrative Controls
  • Engineered Barriers
  • Pathway Elimination
  • Methane Management
  • Off-site Soil Disposal Management and Reuse
  • Guidelines Recalculation (with site specific data)
  • Site-Specific Risk Assessment
  • Tier 2 Guidelines Adjustment based on Site-specific Parameters

An Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Record of Site Condition report form and submission is required for all remediation and risk management plans in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Disclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Do you require a Remediation or Risk Management Plan? Please feel free to Contact our  Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Contaminated Site Management Programs

If you have contamination on your property, are undertaking a construction or development project, and have a remediation and/or risk management plan in place, chances are that you will require assistance with your Contaminated Site Management Program. From simple soil remediation programs to complex multi-stakeholder construction projects, Envirotech has significant experience in contaminated site management.

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Our company and staff meet the minimum requirements for Professional Sign-off as required by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) for companies whose scope of practice includes land reclamation and remediation.

Our programs may include some, or all, of the following components:

  • Project Management and Administration;
  • Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety Programs;
  • Detailed Remediation / Risk Management System Design;
  • Tendering and Subcontractor Management;
  • Construction Supervision (Remediation and Risk Management Components);
  • Remediation System, Commissioning, Operation and Monitoring;
  • Risk Management System, Commissioning, Operation and Monitoring;
  • Remediation and Risk Management Sampling Programs;
  • Compliance Reporting and Record of Site Condition Reporting; and
  • Liaison with Regulators and Project Stakeholders.

Contaminated Site Management Programs are undertaken in accordance with industry accepted standards and sampling protocols adhere to the relevant sections of the AEP Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, the AEP Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, other provincial reference criteria, or where appropriate, the federal Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines.

Envirotech has extensive expertise and experience in a range of in-situ and ex-situ remedial technologies and risk management techniques. We select remediation technologies and risk management techniques based on the present and future land use needs of our clients; we work with our clients to ensure that properties under active land use are not adversely affected by contaminated site management efforts.

Do you require assistance with your contaminated site management? Please feel free to Contact our Assessment Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Storage Tank Assessment & Removal

Non-complaint, poorly managed and aging storage tanks have an increased probability of leaking causing significant environmental and cost liabilities to your Property. If you have underground storage tanks (USTs) or aboveground storage tanks (AST’s) that meet any of these criteria, then prompt removal of the tankage is recommended. All USTs and AST’s must be removed, replaced and upgraded in compliance with federal and provincial standards and regulations. All storage tank decommissioning programs in Alberta are completed in accordance with Subsections 4.3.16 and 4.3.17 of the National Fire Code, 2019 Alberta Edition and guidance provided by the Alberta Safety Codes Council Authority (ASCA)
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Envirotech has significant experience conducting UST and AST removals, assessments and remediation on commercial and industrial sites in Canada. Our services typically include all of the following components:

  • Removal Notification to Local Fire Department
  • Subcontracting Tank Removal with Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association (CPCA) Certified Tank Removers
  • Tank Decommissioning in Compliance with Fire Code and ASCA (Alberta)
  • Soil (and Groundwater) Sampling Program
  • ASCA Reporting (Closure or Upgrade)
  • Environmental Release Reporting
  • UST / AST Removal Report

Should soil or groundwater contamination be encountered during a tank removal, the local fire authority and Alberta Environment and Parks are required to be notified in accordance with Article of the Alberta Fire Code and Section 110 of the Alberta Environmental Protection & Enhancement Act, respectively.

An AEP Record of Site Condition report form and submission is also required for all storage tank removals in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Disclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Do you have a requirement for a tank removal on you Property? Please feel free to Contact our Assessment Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Land Development Planning

Prior to construction projects, land developers and land planners have to navigate, and satisfy, a complex web of municipal permits, development conditions and requirements. Many of these conditions and requirements now relate to environmental issues. Land developers are now considering the early integration of an environmental consultant into their development and construction management team as both a time and cost saving measure for their projects.
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Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals with development and construction knowledge, technical environmental backgrounds, and directly applicable project management experience, to effectively assist land developers and land planners in the areas of:

  • Site Contamination Statements;
  • Record of Site Condition Submittals;
  • Development and Building Permits;
  • Environmental Cost Liability Assessments;
  • Project Planning and Scheduling;
  • Municipal Variances or Environmental Setbacks;
  • PS 3260 Contaminated Site Accounting & Reporting;
  • Land Use Re-designations;
  • Radon Management Systems; and
  • Environmental Planning.

Do you require assistance with any of your environmental development conditions and requirements on you Property? Please feel free to Contact our Assessment Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

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Radon Management Systems

Radon is an odourless, colourless and radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium found naturally occurring in soil. Radon can enter a building through openings where the building contacts the soil including: cracks in foundation walls or floor slabs, construction joints, or gaps around service pipe. Radon can accumulate to unsafe levels within indoor environments and soil conditions in southern Alberta have the potential of exceeding the Health Canada recommended radon guideline of 200 Becquerels per metre cubed (200 Bq/m³). Whether you have an existing building or are planning the construction of a new building, Envirotech can assist you with a Radon Management System to prevent or mitigate radon gas accumulation in your building.Read More

Environmental Cost Liability Evaluations

Environmental Cost Liability Assessment are most often performed prior to or during commercial, industrial, and agricultural real estate transactions (e.g. acquisition, lease, or redevelopment) and generally involves the evaluation, identification, and investigation of potential, or known, environmental concerns. Upon completion of this process, Envirotech’s clients are well equipped with the necessary tools to make educated decisions and to secure protections from environmental liability and risk. It’s important to know just because a property is suspected or known to have contamination does not necessarily indicate you shouldn’t consider purchasing or leasing such a property – the Environmental Cost Liability Assessment process is essentially in place to provide the means for new owner/operator’s to acquire liability protections.Read More

Environmental Monitoring Programs

Envirotech has extensive experience and expertise in undertaking soil, groundwater, soil vapour, and indoor monitoring programs and in support of EPEA Approvals and site-specific Risk Management Plans.

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Envirotech’s environmental monitoring programs are tailored to be used in conjunction with Alberta’s existing regulatory framework as outlined in EPEA and relevant regulations, standards and guidelines such as AEP Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, the AEP Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines (as amended), and individual EPEA Approvals. The following types of monitoring programs are routinely undertaken:

  • Baseline Soil Monitoring Program;
  • Operational Soil Monitoring Programs;
  • Soil Management Programs;
  • Groundwater Monitoring Programs;
  • Soil Vapour Monitoring Programs; and
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Programs (Radon, PERC, Hydrocarbons, etc.)

Industrial facilities in Alberta may have environmental monitoring program requirements in their Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Approvals issued under the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA). The Approval requirements for soil and groundwater monitoring programs are specified in the AEP Soil Monitoring Directive (2009), in the EPEA Activities Designation Regulation, and through Licences or Approvals under the Alberta Water Act. Other sites (such as commercial and industrial sites which do not fall under the Activities Designation Regulation) may require continuing environmental monitoring programs in accordance with Risk Management Plans submitted through Alberta Environment and Parks. 

Do you require assistance with your environmental monitoring program requirements on your facility or property? Please feel free to Contact our Site Assessment or Remediation & Risk Management  Division for more information or a quote.

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Waste Characterization & Disposal Permitting

Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. The construction industry has generally recognized that this soil movement is a source of significant cost risks and environmental liability for landowners. Envirotech provides specialized services which assist with project management and cost reductions in these areas.

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The primary risks and liabilities include the following:

  • Property owners are subject to short and long-term liability for contaminated soil material leaving their property if the soil is not permitted properly for disposal or received by a third-party property;
  • Construction sites, which inadvertently receive contaminated soil fill material, can become contaminated themselves causing significant projects risks (ie. project delays, litigation);
  • Property owners who have responsibly characterized soil material on their site as clean may inadvertently, by the act of transporting a soil material offsite, generate contaminated soil (soil defined as clean on an industrial site may not be clean on a residential site); and
  • Landfills are requiring soil material to be characterized as being clean prior to receiving the soil material as clean. Uncharacterized soil is, by default, being characterized contaminated and is subject to tipping fees commensurate with contaminated material.

In response to these risks, Envirotech has provides standardized Soil Assessment Programs (SAPs), Hydrovac Soil Assessment Programs (HSAPs), and Soil Management Plans (SMPs). Link each to individual descriptions?

Do you require assistance with your soil characterization and disposal permitting requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plans & Programs

Infrastructure construction projects undertaken on behalf of municipal or other governing agencies (including the City of Calgary, City of Edmonton, and Alberta Transportation) may require an Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan or Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) to be prepared and executed. Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals with construction knowledge, environmental expertise, and legislative/regulatory understanding directly applicable to environmental construction management.

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The purpose of the CEMP or ECO Plan is to detail the policies, practices, and procedures to be implemented by construction contractor and their subcontractors to manage, remedy, and mitigate potential adverse environmental effects during the construction phase of the project. The ECO Plans are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan Framework – Instructions for Preparing ECO Plans for Alberta Transportation, City of Calgary and City of Edmonton Construction Projects, Alberta Transportation, Environmental Regulation, Technical Standards Branch (July 6, 2020). Our standard Plans included the following components:

  • Description of Site Activities;
  • Potential Environmental Impacts and Controls;
  • Hazardous Materials and Waste Management;
  • Environmental Emergency Procedures; and
  • Plan Implementation (training/monitoring, communication, documentation).

Overall Envirotech will prepare a CEMP or ECO Plan that will outline how a construction project will avoid, minimise or mitigate effects on the environment and surrounding area. It consists of written procedures on the protection measures that the contractor will follow to protect the environment. It also demonstrates how the contractor will comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and approvals during the project. During the implementation of the Plan, Envirotech will support the construction contractor as the project progresses, undertaking routine inspections to ensure the implemented controls are operating effectively and activities are conducted in accordance with the Plan. Any noted deficiencies are communicated through monitoring reports and the Plan is updated as required.

Do you require assistance with your CEMP or ECO Plan requirements on your construction project? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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Soil Management Plans & Programs

Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. In conjunction with Waste Characterization & Disposal Permitting, Soil Management Plans (SMPs) provide documentation in support of the property owner’s / developer’s commitment for the duly diligent management of soil waste material generated by the construction project. Development permit applications routinely require SMPs to be submitted as a condition of approval. Envirotech has significant experience in providing and executing SMPs, working with the project specific activities and schedules. Read More

The SMPs are coordinated with construction activities to ensure the responsible management of soil waste material generated by the proposed construction activities at the site and include the following components:

  • Description of site activities, specifying the proposed earthwork activities;
  • Requirements for, or findings of previous, Soil Assessment Programs;
  • Characterization of the soil waste material as either clean or impacted; and
  • Identification of disposal locations and corresponding permits for each identified type of soil waste material.

During the execution of the construction project, a Soil Management Program is implemented by Envirotech and includes the following activities:

  • Pre-arranging disposal permits and facility specific manifests for the appropriate disposal the SW material at the approved disposal location(s);
  • Ensuring the contractor understands the requirements of the SMP;
  • Ensuring all SW material is only transported to the pre-approved disposal locations;
  • Tracking of all volumes of waste streams removed from site;
  • Assessment of any SW material that suspected to be different from the waste streams identified in the SMP.
  • Reporting the findings of the Soil Management Program.

Do you require assistance with your soil management requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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Soil Assessment Programs (SAP)

Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. In order to make decisions on the handling and disposal of these materials, soils must be sampled and analyzed, and this requirement is often not recognized until work is underway. Envirotech offers a contracted service to undertake fast (as little as 24 hours for rush turnaround) and reliable soil testing to get your project moving. Read More

Envirotech has developed a standardized soil assessment program (SAP) for soil characterization, disposal permitting and 3rd party reliance process for companies undertaking routine earthworks projects. Our standard SAP includes the following components:

  • Buried Utility Locates;
  • Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety;
  • Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
  • Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis;
  • Reporting; and
  • Landfill Disposal Permitting or Professional 3rd Party Reliance Sign-off.

The process has been successfully implemented on numerous projects and has been utilized by ENMAX Corporation on hundreds of work sites. Projects that would benefit from an SAP program include:

  • Properties with Uncharacterized Stockpiled Soils
  • Soil Generated by Utility Excavations and Trenches
  • Construction Projects with Earthworks Components

Do you require assistance with your soil characterization and disposal permitting requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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Dewatering Permitting

Wastewater requiring discharge into a municipal storm drainage system is commonly required on construction sites whereby surface run-off water or groundwater collects in an open excavation. Approval to discharge the wastewater must be granted by the governing municipality. Envirotech has extensive experience in providing the services necessary to obtain and maintain a Dewatering Permit. Read More

The following requirements of Dewatering Permitting will be fulfilled by Envirotech:

  • Completion of the Dewatering Permit Application;
  • Collection and submission of required water sample analyses in accordance with the Dewatering Permit Application;
  • If a condition of the permit is to monitor turbidity and pH levels, the on-site personnel will be provided with the training and monitoring equipment necessary to undertake the monitoring activities.
  • As needed, the permit will be updated or renewed.

Do you require assistance with your dewatering permitting requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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Hydrovac Soil Assessment Programs (HSAP)

Removal of soil utilizing hydrovac systems are routinely undertaken on construction projects which require removal of soil adjacent to buried utility lines or other infrastructure. The slurry material produced is mandated to be disposed at Alberta Environment and Park (AEP) authorized waste management facilities. The type of authorization granted to the facility will determine their operational capacity including the type of waste accepted (non-hazardous vs hazardous) and the ability to treat waste or reuse the solid dewatered slurry. In order to reduce significant cost risks and environmental liability for the landowner/contractor, it is important to characterize the soil so that the appropriate waste management facility is utilized. Read More

In order to select the appropriate waste management facility, soils must be sampled and analyzed prior to hydrovac removal, and this requirement is often not recognized until work is underway. Envirotech offers a contracted service to undertake fast (as little as 24 hours for rush turnaround) and reliable soil testing to get your project moving.

Envirotech has developed a standardized hydrovac soil assessment program (HSAP) for soil characterization and waste disposal options for companies undertaking routine earthworks projects. Our standard HSAP includes the following components:

  • Buried Utility Locates;
  • Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety;
  • Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
  • Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis;
  • Soil Characterization and Reporting; and
  • Disposal Facility Options or On-Site Management – reuse of dewatered slurry onsite (only if soil is characterized as non-impacted).

Do you require assistance with your hydrovac waste characterization and disposal requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.

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