Soil Assement
Soil Management
Soil Management Plans & Programs
Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. In conjunction with Waste Characterization & Disposal Permitting, Soil Management Plans (SMPs) provide documentation in support of the property owner’s / developer’s commitment for the duly diligent management of soil waste material generated by the construction project. Development permit applications routinely require SMPs to be submitted as a condition of approval. Envirotech has significant experience in providing and executing SMPs, working with the project specific activities and schedules.
Envirotech has developed a standardized Soil Assessment Program (SAP) for soil characterization, disposal permitting and 3rd party reliance process for companies undertaking routine earthworks projects. Our standard SAP includes the following components:
- Buried Utility Locates;
- Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety;
- Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
- Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis;
- Reporting; and
- Landfill Disposal Permitting or Professional 3rd Party Reliance Sign-off.
The process has been successfully implemented on numerous projects and has been utilized by ENMAX Corporation on hundreds of work sites. Projects that would benefit from an SAP program include:
- Properties with Uncharacterized Stockpiled Soils
- Soil Generated by Utility Excavations and Trenches
- Construction Projects with Earthworks Components
Do you require assistance with your soil characterization and disposal permitting requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.
The SMPs are coordinated with construction activities to ensure the responsible management of soil waste material generated by the proposed construction activities at the site and include the following components:
- Description of site activities, specifying the proposed earthwork activities;
- Requirements for, or findings of previous, Soil Assessment Programs;
- Characterization of the soil waste material as either clean or impacted; and
- Identification of disposal locations and corresponding permits for each identified type of soil waste material.
During the execution of the construction project, a Soil Management Program is implemented by Envirotech and includes the following activities:
- Pre-arranging disposal permits and facility specific manifests for the appropriate disposal the SW material at the approved disposal location(s);
- Ensuring the contractor understands the requirements of the SMP;
- Ensuring all SW material is only transported to the pre-approved disposal locations;
- Tracking of all volumes of waste streams removed from site;
- Assessment of any SW material that suspected to be different from the waste streams identified in the SMP.
- Reporting the findings of the Soil Management Program.
Do you require assistance with your soil management requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.
Soil Assessment Programs (SAP)
Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. In order to make decisions on the handling and disposal of these materials, soils must be sampled and analyzed, and this requirement is often not recognized until work is underway. Envirotech offers a contracted service to undertake fast (as little as 24 hours for rush turnaround) and reliable soil testing to get your project moving.
Envirotech has developed a standardized soil assessment program (SAP) for soil characterization, disposal permitting and 3rd party reliance process for companies undertaking routine earthworks projects. Our standard SAP includes the following components:
- Buried Utility Locates;
- Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety;
- Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
- Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis;
- Reporting; and
- Landfill Disposal Permitting or Professional 3rd Party Reliance Sign-off.
The process has been successfully implemented on numerous projects and has been utilized by ENMAX Corporation on hundreds of work sites. Projects that would benefit from an SAP program include:
- Properties with Uncharacterized Stockpiled Soils
- Soil Generated by Utility Excavations and Trenches
- Construction Projects with Earthworks Components
Do you require assistance with your soil characterization and disposal permitting requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.
Hydrovac Soil Assessment Programs (HSAP)
Removal of soil utilizing hydrovac systems are routinely undertaken on construction projects which require removal of soil adjacent to buried utility lines or other infrastructure. The slurry material produced is mandated to be disposed at Alberta Environment and Park (AEP) authorized waste management facilities. The type of authorization granted to the facility will determine their operational capacity including the type of waste accepted (non-hazardous vs hazardous) and the ability to treat waste or reuse the solid dewatered slurry. In order to reduce significant cost risks and environmental liability for the landowner/contractor, it is important to characterize the soil so that the appropriate waste management facility is utilized.
In order to select the appropriate waste management facility, soils must be sampled and analyzed prior to hydrovac removal, and this requirement is often not recognized until work is underway. Envirotech offers a contracted service to undertake fast (as little as 24 hours for rush turnaround) and reliable soil testing to get your project moving.
Envirotech has developed a standardized hydrovac soil assessment program (HSAP) for soil characterization and waste disposal options for companies undertaking routine earthworks projects. Our standard HSAP includes the following components:
- Buried Utility Locates;
- Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety;
- Intrusive Sampling Equipment and Manpower;
- Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis;
- Soil Characterization and Reporting; and
- Disposal Facility Options or On-Site Management – reuse of dewatered slurry onsite (only if soil is characterized as non-impacted).
Do you require assistance with your hydrovac waste characterization and disposal requirements? Please feel free to Contact our Waste Management Division for more information or a quote.
Waste Characterization & Disposal Permitting
Most construction projects completed on both non-contaminated and contaminated sites either generate soil as a waste material or receive soil as a fill material. The construction industry has generally recognized that this soil movement is a source of significant cost risks and environmental liability for landowners. Envirotech provides specialized services which assist with project management and cost reductions in these areas.
The primary risks and liabilities include the following:
- Property owners are subject to short and long-term liability for contaminated soil material leaving their property if the soil is not permitted properly for disposal or received by a third-party property;
- Construction sites, which inadvertently receive contaminated soil fill material, can become contaminated themselves causing significant projects risks (ie. project delays, litigation);
- Property owners who have responsibly characterized soil material on their site as clean may inadvertently, by the act of transporting a soil material offsite, generate contaminated soil (soil defined as clean on an industrial site may not be clean on a residential site); and
- Landfills are requiring soil material to be characterized as being clean prior to receiving the soil material as clean. Uncharacterized soil is, by default, being characterized contaminated and is subject to tipping fees commensurate with contaminated material.
In response to these risks, Envirotech has provides standardized Soil Assessment Programs (SAPs), Hydrovac Soil Assessment Programs (HSAPs), and Soil Management Plans (SMPs). Link each to individual descriptions?