Remediation Risk Management
Exposure Control

Remediation Risk Management Exposure Control

If you are undertaking a construction or development project on a contaminated site, or if your Phase II ESA or Phase III ESA has defined the presence of contamination on your property, chances are that you will require a Remediation Plan or Risk Management Plan. These plans are integral to the cost-effective management of property contamination. They assist with development and construction planning, project scheduling and are necessary to appropriately estimate the costs of remediation and risk management on your property.

Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals who have the appropriate technical background and project management experience to effectively provide clients with contaminated site remediation and risk management planning. We evaluate the source-pathway-receptor framework of your property (considering your development and construction goals) to develop site-specific remediation of risk management targets and goals which appropriately protect human health and environmental receptors. In many cases, these plans are dove-tailed with construction plans as a cost saving measure.

Envirotech offers four primary types of plans:

  • Remediation Plans – contaminant source elimination;
  • Risk Management Plans – pathway elimination between contamination and receptor;
  • Remediation & Risk Management Plans – combined source and pathway elimination: and
  • Remedial Action Plans – for sites with contamination that cannot be remediated within a two-year period after known release.

The combined remediation & risk management plans are commonly employed in property development and construction scenarios whereby it is not cost effective or practical to fully remove all contamination from the site. The following controls are typically considered in our plans:

  • Remediation Programs
  • Administrative Controls
  • Engineered Barriers
  • Pathway Elimination
  • Methane Management
  • Off-site Soil Disposal Management and Reuse
  • Guidelines Recalculation (with site specific data)
  • Site-Specific Risk Assessment
  • Tier 2 Guidelines Adjustment based on Site-specific Parameters

An Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Record of Site Condition report form and submission is required for all remediation and risk management plans in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement ActDisclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Do you require a Remediation or Risk Management Plan? Please feel free to Contact our  Remediation Division for more information or a quote.

Soil Remediation

Exposure Control Plans

An Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is designed to address and mitigate potential risks associated with contaminated properties, ensuring the safety of individuals using or accessing the site. While a Risk Management Plan (RMP) is typically required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for individuals responsible for a substance release, property owners who are not responsible for the release—such as cases involving third-party contamination—are not required to develop an RMP.

However, property owners still bear a responsibility to ensure the safety of site users by implementing adequate exposure controls. The ECP fulfills this obligation by providing measures to manage and mitigate risks according to EPA guidelines.

Key Elements of the ECP

The ECP focuses on safeguarding human health through mitigation strategies for the following exposure pathways:

  • Human Vapor Inhalation
  • Direct Soil Contact
  • Protection of Domestic Use Aquifers

Long-Term Monitoring and Assurance

The ECP outlines a robust, long-term monitoring plan to verify that the implemented mitigation measures remain effective over time. This ensures ongoing protection for all individuals who interact with the site, providing confidence that risks are minimized in compliance with EPA standards.

By developing and maintaining an ECP, property owners demonstrate their commitment to safety and environmental responsibility, even in cases of third-party contamination.

Site-Specific Risk Assessment

If you are undertaking a construction or development project on a contaminated site, or if your Phase II ESA or Phase III ESA has defined the presence of contamination on your property, chances are that you will require a Remediation Plan or Risk Management Plan. These plans are integral to the cost-effective management of property contamination. They assist with development and construction planning, project scheduling and are necessary to appropriately estimate the costs of remediation and risk management on your property.

Envirotech offers a team of highly qualified individuals who have the appropriate technical background and project management experience to effectively provide clients with contaminated site remediation and risk management planning. We evaluate the source-pathway-receptor framework of your property (considering your development and construction goals) to develop site-specific remediation of risk management targets and goals which appropriately protect human health and environmental receptors. In many cases, these plans are dove-tailed with construction plans as a cost saving measure.

Envirotech offers four primary types of plans:

  • Remediation Plans – contaminant source elimination;
  • Risk Management Plans – pathway elimination between contamination and receptor;
  • Remediation & Risk Management Plans – combined source and pathway elimination: and
  • Remedial Action Plans – for sites with contamination that cannot be remediated within a two-year period after known release.

The combined remediation & risk management plans are commonly employed in property development and construction scenarios whereby it is not cost effective or practical to fully remove all contamination from the site. The following controls are typically considered in our plans:

  • Remediation Programs
  • Administrative Controls
  • Engineered Barriers
  • Pathway Elimination
  • Methane Management
  • Off-site Soil Disposal Management and Reuse
  • Guidelines Recalculation (with site specific data)
  • Site-Specific Risk Assessment
  • Tier 2 Guidelines Adjustment based on Site-specific Parameters

An Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Record of Site Condition report form and submission is required for all remediation and risk management plans in Alberta. The public record submission is disclosed in accordance with Section 35 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement ActDisclosure of Information Regulation, and Ministerial Order 23/2004.

Radon Management Systems

Radon is an odourless, colourless and radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium found naturally occurring in soil. Radon can enter a building through openings where the building contacts the soil including: cracks in foundation walls or floor slabs, construction joints, or gaps around service pipe. Radon can accumulate to unsafe levels within indoor environments and soil conditions in southern Alberta have the potential of exceeding the Health Canada recommended radon guideline of 200 Becquerels per metre cubed (200 Bq/m³). Whether you have an existing building or are planning the construction of a new building, Envirotech can assist you with a Radon Management System to prevent or mitigate radon gas accumulation in your building.

Contaminated Site Management Programs

If you have contamination on your property, are undertaking a construction or development project, and have a remediation and/or risk management plan in place, chances are that you will require assistance with your Contaminated Site Management Program. From simple soil remediation programs to complex multi-stakeholder construction projects, Envirotech has significant experience in contaminated site management.

Our company and staff meet the minimum requirements for Professional Sign-off as required by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) for companies whose scope of practice includes land reclamation and remediation.

Our programs may include some, or all, of the following components:

  • Project Management and Administration;
  • Prime Contractor Management and Site Safety Programs;
  • Detailed Remediation / Risk Management System Design;
  • Tendering and Subcontractor Management;
  • Construction Supervision (Remediation and Risk Management Components);
  • Remediation System, Commissioning, Operation and Monitoring;
  • Risk Management System, Commissioning, Operation and Monitoring;
  • Remediation and Risk Management Sampling Programs;
  • Compliance Reporting and Record of Site Condition Reporting; and
  • Liaison with Regulators and Project Stakeholders.

Contaminated Site Management Programs are undertaken in accordance with industry accepted standards and sampling protocols adhere to the relevant sections of the AEP Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, the AEP Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, other provincial reference criteria, or where appropriate, the federal Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines.

Envirotech has extensive expertise and experience in a range of in-situ and ex-situ remedial technologies and risk management techniques. We select remediation technologies and risk management techniques based on the present and future land use needs of our clients; we work with our clients to ensure that properties under active land use are not adversely affected by contaminated site management efforts.

Do you require assistance with your contaminated site management? Please feel free to Contact our Assessment Remediation Division for more information or a quote.